Ven al mar!!!
El agua marina contiene los 89 elementos presentes en nuestro organismo, además de vitaminas y microorganismos presentes en el plancton, que liberan sustancias antivirales, antibacterianas y hormonales... La piel humana absor
be fácilmente todos esos elementos cuando nos bañamos en la rompiente de las olas, sometidos al mejor masaje natural imaginable.
Come to the sea!
Seawater contains all 89 elements in our body, plus vitamins and micro-organisms in the plankton, which release substances antiviral, antibacterial and hormonal ... Human skin easily absorbs these elements when we bathe in the breaking waves, natural massage under the best imaginable.
Come to the sea!
Seawater contains all 89 elements in our body, plus vitamins and micro-organisms in the plankton, which release substances antiviral, antibacterial and hormonal ... Human skin easily absorbs these elements when we bathe in the breaking waves, natural massage under the best imaginable.
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